Amazon Alexa one of the available service in the market to find the website analytics and much more will shutdown as stated by amazon in a official note.
The services offered by were related to SEO analytics and which is a crucial in terms of a website i..e, popularity of the website, rating, keywords analysis, reach all these matters for a website to stand up successfully.
More over websites are classified according to various factors, i.e.,
- Country
- Category
- Domain
More information on websites in detail can be found in below article can read here.
Why ??? provided web seo analytics and also most important thing is like it also provided ranking for the websites worldwide.
The way you customize your website plays a key role also you need to know where your website stand in the world right so alexa provided the ranking according to the country you reside and most importantly world wide ranking too.
It will be interesting when you make few changes in the website and started noticing them in terms of a good ranking right.
As a SEO analyst you need to know few inputs regarding a website, how it’s performing and what are the positives and negatives of a website i..e, where your website lags.
When you try to reduce your negatives that in turn help you in making the website popular and stand in front pages of search engines like google, yahoo and so on..

Alexa Internet Inc was founded in year 1996 initially it was a independent company which was later acquired by Amazon in the year 1999.
Alexa provided information related to web analytics i.e., visitors traffic related information, keywords which brought the traffic and most importantly world wide, country based ranking.
Their source of information is through a browser extensions and alexa script which the websites have installed to track their analytics
And finally is about to close it’s services by May 1 2022. It has almost provided it’s services for 25 years in this field and all set to retire soon..
Users were asked to take back-up of their information and new accounts opening were closed by Dec 2021 and existing accounts were served till May 1 2021.
Services Offered :
Alexa provided paid services for detailed SEO analytics which covers almost every information required to know how your website performs i.e., the keywords which drag users to your site, competing websites so that you can know their strategies.
Can i use it without paying, yes but it’s limited to showing your global ranking and very few keywords, and competitors in your field.
Also you can find the bounce rate which shows the average time spent by user in your website if you are a paid user then you can get a detailed analytics report for your website.
Let us see few services offered by
- Alexa Ranking
- Keyword Gaps
- Easy to rank keywords
- Buyer Keywords
- Optimization Opportunities
- Traffic Sources
- Referral Sites
- Top Keywords
- Audience Overlap
- Audience Geography
- Site Metrics
These are the few services mentioned out of available services offered for the users.
Reason for shut down ??
The reason for shut down is not yet stated by amazon but according to Semrush the traffic for is been constantly reducing over the time period and also there is no official statement from company.
So the reason is not clearly know and the fact is is going to shutdown its services in mid of 2022.
Update :
🙁 🙁 🙁 Alexa has shutdown it’s services on May 1 2022, and it states end of service from