
Python Range

Python range is the difference between two numbers provided for example like 1..10 so here the range starts from 0 and ends at 10.This might be incrementing or decrementing the number by 1 or 2 depending on the requirement.

We have seen different ways of implementing or making use of range in our program they may be like through list iterations, providing a range assigning to a variable so on..

In Python, range() is a built-in function that returns a sequence of numbers, starting from a specified start value (inclusive), and ending at a specified stop value (exclusive), with a specified step value.

Python range ( start, stop [step] ) and its usage is explained in this part of the tutorial with real time examples.

Trying to understand range using a list and print the output in the following way

a = range( 0, 5 )
list( a )
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]

Python range video tutorial :

Go through this below tutorial for detailed implementation of python range with real time examples.

Python Range Usage :

range() is commonly used in Python for creating loops and generating sequences of numbers.You can use them according to your requirement and few scenarios are stated below.

Here are some common use cases for range():

  • Creating a for loop with a specific number of iterations,
  • Iterating over a sequence using the indices,
  • Generating a sequence of numbers for some calculation,
  • Creating a list of numbers,
  • Counting down from a number

Steps in range : ( start, stop, [ step ] )

We can also make use of steps in range such that we can provide the increment steps i.e., every time we may not increment the range by 1.

Sometimes we need to move 2 numbers up and 3 so on… we will be seeing the process to do so now.

Range can be applicable based on number provided i.e., you can clearly see the third parameter step if provided is used as a range.

list( range ( 2, 10, 2 ) )
[ 2, 4, 6, 8 ]

Here we have specified ( 2, 10, 2 )

2 -> Is the starting number from where our range starts.

10 -> Is the final / target number till our range must be considered.

2 -> Is the step i.e., we have to skip 2 numbers every time we increment the numbers.

Let’s provide a a range for negative numbers

list( range ( 2, -16, -2) )
[ 2, 0, -2, -4, -6, -8, -10, -12, -14 ]

We can try to print range for single value i.e., stop value, here stop value is 8 ad when once the number is reached list will stop populating.

list( range ( 8 ) )
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ]

Indexing in Range :

We can also have the concept of indexing in python range here list will start from 0 to 4 and will be printed.

b = range[ 0, 4 ]
list[ b ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]

Now provide the index position to fetch the value

b [ 2 ]

range() returns an immutable sequence object and takes up minimal memory, making it a powerful and efficient tool for working with large sequences of numbers.

Converting a range() object to a list or tuple can be useful for certain situations, but it can also be memory-intensive for large ranges. Therefore, use it judiciously based on your specific use case.

If you have any query’s in this tutorial on python range do let us know in the comment section below.If you like this tutorial do like and share us for more interesting updates..

Python Range


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