Python Data types is classification of data according to it’s type so that compiler can recognize the type of data and process it further.
Python supports several built-in data types that are used to represent different kinds of values in a program. Here are some of the most common data types in Python:
Numeric types :
Integers (int), floating-point numbers (float), and complex numbers (complex).
Boolean type :
True and False values (bool).
Sequence types :
Lists (list), tuples (tuple), and range objects (range).
Text type :
Strings (str).
Set types :
Sets (set) and frozensets (frozenset).
Mapping types :
Dictionaries (dict).
In addition to these built-in types, Python also supports several other types through modules or libraries, such as date time for date and time values, and numpy for numeric arrays.
In app development data types are a crucial so as to classify the data according to the type.
There are multiple data types out of which let us see the below in detailed
Numeric :
A numeric data type is used to represent numerical values. There are 4 types under numeric
- Integer
- Float
- Complex
- Boolean
Integer :
Represents whole numbers, such as 1, 2, 3, -4, -5, and so on. In Python, the integer data type is represented using the ‘int’ keyword.
Float :
Represents decimal numbers, such as 3.14, 2.5, -1.2, and so on. In Python, the float data type is represented using the ‘float’ keyword.
Complex :
Represents complex numbers with a real and imaginary part. In Python, the complex data type is represented using the ‘complex’ keyword, for example, 3 + 4j.
Boolean :
Boolean data types are used extensively in programming, especially in conditional statements and loops.
Python Data types Video Tutorial :
Go through the below tutorial for complete understanding of python data types.
Consider variable
a = 10
Now let us try to know the type of variable a
type(a) <class 'int'>
Here we can clearly find out the type of the variable to be integer.
a = 5.0 type(a) <class 'float'>
Now let us see a example of complex number which is a combination of number and a imaginary value.
a = 2 + 3j
Here j is imaginary, now try to find the type
type(a) <class 'complex'>
Boolean type variable
a = True type(a) <class 'bool'>
a= 1<3 type(a) <class 'bool'>
List :
In our previous tutorials we have clearly gone through the implementation of list in python programming you may find the link
a = [ 1 ,2, 3, 4 ] type(a) <class 'list'>
Set :
In our previous tutorials we have clearly gone through the implementation of set in python programming you may find the link
a = { 1, 2, 3, 4 } type(a) <class 'set'>
Tuple :
In our previous tutorials we have clearly gone through the implementation of tuple in python programming you may find the link
a = { 1, 2, 3, 4 } type(a) <class 'tuple'>
Range :
In our previous tutorials we have clearly gone through the implementation of tuple in python programming you may find the link
a = ( 0, 10 ) type(a) <class 'range'>
Dictionary :
In our previous tutorials we have clearly gone through the implementation of dictionary in python programming you may find the link
a = { "name" : "abhi", "age" : 25 } type(a) <class 'dict'>
String :
In our previous tutorials we have clearly gone through the implementation of string in python programming you may find the link
a = "abhi" type(a) <class 'str'>
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Python Data types :