Python Accept User Input

Python accept user input to process the data based on the user input for example when you provide a login credentials then validations is done on server.

Accepting user input is a key aspect in software functionality so in this part of the tutorial ley’s go through accepting user input.

We are using pycharm as IDE and you may ue the default IDLE which comes up with python installation.

Flutter allows developers to accept user input through various input widgets. Here are some common widgets used to accept user input:

TextField :

This widget allows users to enter text. It can be customized to accept different types of text input, such as plain text, passwords, email addresses, and phone numbers.

DropdownButton :

This widget provides a dropdown menu from which users can select one option. You can create a DropdownButton using a list of items or a list of DropdownMenuItem widgets.

Checkbox :

This widget provides a way for users to select one or more items from a list of options. You can use the Checkbox widget to create a single checkbox or a group of checkboxes.

Radio Button :

This widget provides a way for users to select one option from a list of options. You can use the Radio Button widget to create a single radio button or a group of radio buttons.

Slider :

This widget allows users to select a value from a range of values by sliding a thumb along a track.

DatePicker :

This widget provides a way for users to select a date from a calendar.

Python Accept User Input Video Tutorial :

Go through the below tutorial for more detailed information on accept user input in python.

These are just a few examples of widgets that you can use to accept user input in Flutter. Depending on your specific use case, you may need to use different widgets or customize these widgets to fit your needs.

So now let’s write code to add two number which you might be aware of ut later we will turn this code to accept input.

x = 10
y = 20

z = x + y

Output :


Input( ) :

We will be making use of Input( ) function to accept user input it’s that simple let’s see implementation

x = Input( )
y = Input( )

z = x + y

Output :

Let us provide two input values i.e., x, y one after the another so that they are accepted and stored in variable.



When we try to add 5, 6 we got 56 instead of 11 because 5, 6 here are of type String we need to convert them to Integer before calculating.

z = int(x) + int(y)

Output :



Debugging in python :

Debugging is important to track the code line by line and we will see in detail how to track the above code in detail in this vlog.

Python accept user input video tutorial :

Go through this below tutorial for detailed implementation of python accept user input with real time examples.

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