Class is a blue print and object is collection that make use of properties / attributes that are present in the class. So this is a general way of describing python class and object.
But what if you don’t understand the concept don’t worry we will be going through the in depth concept in this blog on python class and object.
Python is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language. Python fully supports OOP concepts such as encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.
In object-oriented programming, a class is a blueprint for creating objects (instances of the class). It defines a set of attributes (data) and methods (functions) that are common to all instances of that class.
An object is an instance of a class. It is a self-contained entity that has its own set of attributes and methods. When an object is created, it inherits the attributes and methods defined in the class, but it can also have its own unique values for those attributes.
Class and object play a vital role in programming may be java, python it’s not the concern but the oop’s concept has it’s own importance and standard.
Can have a look through this video tutorial.
Python class and object video tutorial :
In this video tutorial let us try to see the detailed implementation of python class and Object .
Class :
Let us know what is a class and how to create a class. So consider few points to be followed while creating a class i.e., class name should always start with capital letter.
In below example class name is Product so capital “P” is provided.
class Product:
And the very next step is creating some variables
price = 20
Now create a function and this function should start with small letters
def feature
So now we got a function / method now let’s try to add a print statement so that when ever we call a function this statement is printed.
def feature: print("Tested")
We got a class in which we have a variable, function so now it’s time to create a object for the same and make use of the class properties.
Here properties are variables and functions declared in class.
Object :
object is a instance of a class, we can make any number of instances.In simple words instance is a copy of class that can be used.
product = Product()
You can also create one more object like which has similar properties.
product2 = Product()
now using this object we can access the properties like
"""variable""" product.price """method / function """ product.feature()
Now try to run the code
class Product: """variable""" price = 20 """method / function """ def feature: print("Tested") product = Product() """variable""" product.price """method / function """ product.feature()
output :
20 Tested
Python class and object :
Overall, Python’s support for OOP makes it a powerful language for building complex applications and systems that require modular, reusable code.
Python allows you to create classes, define attributes and methods, and create objects of those classes. You can also create subclasses that inherit attributes and methods from their parent class. Python also supports multiple inheritance, allowing you to inherit from more than one parent class.
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