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Python scope plays a vital role in app implementation for example if you have declared a variable a in a class then you can use the same variable multiple times but you can’t declare another variable with same name.
i..e, when you declare a variable globally this will be the scenario but when you declare a variable locally you can create multiple variables with same name.
If you are a beginner and finding it difficult to understand what is a variable ?? is suggest you to go through this blog on variables.
In short scope is the extent upto which a variable can be used and reached i.e., once the variable is out of scope then you cannot access it any more.
Let us see an example through which you can understand the implementation of python scope.
Python scope video tutorial :
You can find all the above stated examples in this video tutorial.
Local Scope :
Local scope is within the scope where it is declared confined to that particular block of code locally. A local scope is a part of a program where variables are defined and can only be accessed within that particular scope.
A local scope can be created within a function or a block of code.
def abc(): x = 10; print(x) abc()
output :
Now declare the block of code where we have nested function
def abc(): x = 10; def abcd(): print(x) abcd() abc()
Now still you will be able to see 10 as output.
output :
Global Scope :
Global scope is through out the class we can make it available irrespective of a function where it is used. These variables are defined outside a function or block of code and can be accessed within the function or block of code as well as outside of it.
It’s important to note that variables defined outside of a function or block of code have a global scope and can be accessed anywhere in the program. However, if a variable with the same name is defined within a local scope, it will take precedence over the global variable within that scope.
x = 10 def abc(): print(x) abc()
Here the variable is declared outside the function i.e., globally and used inside the function.
Local Vs Global Scope :
When you declare a global variable and also local variable with same name local variable replaces global one.
The main difference between local scope and global scope is the accessibility of the variables. Variables defined within a local scope can only be accessed within that particular scope, while variables defined within a global scope can be accessed anywhere in the program.
Another difference between local and global scope is that if a variable is defined within a local scope with the same name as a global variable, it will take precedence over the global variable within that scope. To modify a global variable within a local scope, the global
keyword can be used.
x = 10; def abc(): x = 12; def abcd(): print(x) abcd() abc()
output :
Usage try to restrict the usage of variables locally and if required to be used every where in app then declare them globally and again security constraints to be taken care.
If you have any query’s in this tutorial on python scope do let us know in the comment section below. If you like this tutorial do like and share us for more interesting updates..
Go through the complete python course video tutorial’s here for detailed implementation.