Python Factorial | How to implement in 1 easy way

Python Factorial is the product of the every number less than the provided number until 1, they are mostly used in power series in mathematics.

The formula to calculate the python factorial is n! = n. (n-1) ! we will see a example program how the factorial is calculated for any given number.

First step is to collect the user input as below

num = int(input("Enter a number: "))

Considering a variable fact and assigning it with initial value as 1. And further calculated values are stored in this variable.

fact = 1

Let us run a for loop providing the inputs as 1 and num + 1 as parameters

for i in range(1, num + 1):

And the save the value into the variable fact

fact *= i

Finally print the values as below using a print statement.

print("Factorial of", num, "is", fact)

Full Code :

num = int(input("Enter a number: "))

fact = 1
for i in range(1, num + 1):
    fact *= i

print("Factorial of", num, "is", fact)