Python Inheritance: Unlock the Super Power of Object-Oriented Programming

Python Inheritance is the most important concept in programming it might be c, java, python..It’s used almost in every application, inheritance has a lot of benefits even.

Inheritance is a fundamental feature of object-oriented programming (OOP) that allows you to create a new class by extending an existing one. In Python, you can implement inheritance by creating a subclass that inherits the attributes and methods of its superclass.

To define a subclass, you simply need to specify the superclass in the definition using parentheses. The subclass can then access the attributes and methods of the superclass using the super() function.

Inheritance is a powerful feature of Python that allows you to reuse code, reduce code duplication, and create specialized classes that share common functionality.

Inheritance usage and detailed explanation is provided in this blog with the help of real time examples.

Let us try to see an example and understand the concept of python inheritance.

Python Inheritance Video Tutorial :

In this video tutorial let us try to see the detailed implementation of inheritance in python.

class Student:
    studentName = 'Ravi'

    def printstudentname(self):

now try to create a object for the class Student and call the methods and variables.

s1 = Student()




Now try to create another class Professor

class Professor:
    professorName = 'Shyam'

    def printprofessorname(self):

Now create a object for Professor class

p1 = Professor()


Here we can access the variables and methods of Professor class.

Single Inheritance :

Single inheritance, which means that a subclass can only inherit from a single superclass. To create a subclass, you simply define it by specifying the superclass in parentheses after the class name.

The subclass then inherits all the attributes and methods of the superclass. You can override inherited methods in the subclass or add new methods and attributes specific to the subclass.

Considering the above example let us see single inheritance. We are extending Professor class with Student class

class Student:
    studentName = 'Ravi'

    def printstudentname(self):

class Professor(Student):
    professorName = 'Shyam'

    def printprofessorname(self):

And now try to create an object of professor class that can access both the class Student, Professor variables and methods.

Multilevel Inheritance :

Multilevel inheritance is a type of inheritance in Python where a subclass is derived from a superclass, which in turn is derived from another superclass. This means that the subclass inherits attributes and methods from both the immediate superclass and the super-superclass.

To implement multilevel inheritance in Python, you need to create a chain of classes where each class is derived from the class above it. You can define methods and attributes in each class that are specific to that class or inherited from the superclass.

Considering the above example let us see multi-level inheritance. We are extending Professor class, Student class with college class

class Student:
    studentName = 'Ravi'

    def printstudentname(self):

class Professor(Student):
    professorName = 'Shyam'

    def printprofessorname(self):

class College(Professor):
    collegeName = 'UV University'

    def printcollegename(self):

And now try to create an object of college class that can access both the class Student, Professor variables and methods.

p1 = College()

p1.printprofessorname() // professor

p1.printstudentname()   // student

p1.printcollegename()  // college

output :

UV University

Multiple Inheritance :

Multiple inheritance is a type of inheritance in Python where a subclass is derived from two or more superclasses. This means that the subclass inherits attributes and methods from all the superclasses.

To implement multiple inheritance in Python, you need to define a class that inherits from two or more classes using a comma-separated list of the superclass names in parentheses after the class name. You can then define methods and attributes in the subclass that are specific to that subclass or inherited from the superclasses.

Now create one more class so that we can understand multiple inheritance.

class College(Professor, Student):
    collegeName = 'Stanley'

    def printcollegename(self):

Now create a object for College class which can access both Professor and Student class.

c1 = College()

c1.printprofessorname() // professor

c1.printstudentname()   // student

c1.printcollegename()   // college



Inheritance allows you to create specialized subclasses that inherit the common attributes and methods of a superclass, making your code more modular and reusable. It also enables you to organize your code in a hierarchical manner, where subclasses inherit from other subclasses, creating a tree-like structure.

If you have any query’s in this tutorial on Python Inheritance do let us know in the comment section below.If you like this tutorial do like and share us for more interesting updates..

Unlocking the Power of Python Nested Classes: A Comprehensive Guide

Python Nested

Explore Python Nested Classes: What They Are and Why You Need Them

Elevate your Python coding using nested classes. Explore their basics, benefits, and practical applications. Uncover the power of nested classes for better code organization and efficiency. Dive into a coding experience that empowers your projects from the ground up.

In this blog, we’ll dive into the world of Python nested classes. Wondering what they are and why they matter? If you’ve ever tried putting a class inside another, that’s a nested class! Learn how it helps organize related tasks in Python.

To make a nested class, you just create a new class inside another one. This is handy for grouping similar tasks and keeping details hidden from outside eyes.

The cool part? A nested class can use the things (attributes and methods) of the main class. This is super useful for certain ways of building your code.

Join us to understand the ins and outs of Python nested classes—making your coding journey easier

A nested class has access to the attributes and methods of its outer class, which can be useful for implementing certain design patterns.

There are several use cases for nested classes in Python, including:

Nested classes can be used to group together related functionality within a class. This can make the code more organized and easier to read.


Nested classes can be used to hide implementation details from the outside world. This can be useful for creating cleaner and more modular code.

Implementation of design patterns:

Some design patterns, such as the Factory Pattern, make use of nested classes to encapsulate the creation of objects.

Access to outer class attributes and methods:

Nested classes have access to the attributes and methods of the outer class, which can be useful for implementing certain functionality.

Python Nested Class Video Tutorial :

In this video, let’s dive into Python nested classes with a detailed step-by-step implementation.

Let’s start with creating a class A inside which we will be adding a init block of code too.

class A:
    def __init__(self, name): = name

Now create a method in class A which will have a print method

def show(self):
    print("I am outer class",

It’s time to create our actual nested class

Create class B

class B:

class A:
    def __init__(self, name): = name
    class B:
        def show(self):
            print("I am inner class")

And now let’s try to run the code

a1 = A('Abhi')

output :

I am outer class Abhi

And now what about class B i.e., our nested class how can we access it ???

Create a object for b in init method as shown below and then access the method show of class B.

class A:
    def __init__(self, name): = name
        self.b = self.B()

And now try to run this code you will see both the show methods get printed.

output :

I am inner class
I am outer class Abhi

And here you might be surprised to see class B show method is printed first rather than class A because in class A we have init block of code which is executed first rather than any other method.

Nested class has access to all the attributes and methods of the outer class, but the outer class does not have access to the attributes and methods of the nested class.

Master Python nested classes effortlessly! Our in-depth video tutorial guides you through seamless implementation. Elevate your coding skills and optimize your projects with this essential knowledge. Watch now and delve into the power of Python nested classes for a more organized and efficient code structure.

Python Nested

Python Self

Python Self

In our previous tutorial on class and object we have seen class implementation where we have seen by default python self parameter added.

This self parameter will help you to access the properties of the class by forming an instance of the class. These properties are nothing but variables and methods.

In Python, self refers to the instance of a class that is currently being worked with. It is a convention to use self as the first parameter in the definition of methods in a class, so that the method can access the attributes and methods of the instance.

When you create an object of a class in Python, you can call methods and access attributes of that instance using the . (dot) operator. The self parameter is automatically passed to these methods when you call them on an instance, and it refers to the instance itself.

self is typically used as the first parameter in the definition of instance methods in a Python class. It refers to the instance of the class that the method is called on, and allows the method to access and modify the attributes and methods of that instance.

You need not specifically create any instance rather than start using self and access class properties i.e., variables and methods.

Python Self Video Tutorial :

In this video tutorial let us try to see the detailed implementation of self in python.

Create a class Exam

class Exam :

now add a init block of code where we will be having self, marks as parameter.

def __init__(self, marks):
    self.marks = marks

now add a result method to perform a basic comparison using marks and print output.

def result(self):
    if self.marks > 50:

And then let us try to make use of this function by creating an object of class Exam and then pass 60 as the initial value for marks.

Using the value 60 comparison is done as below.

student1 = Exam(60)

Here we have just passed 60 as a parameter then what about self ???

No need to implicitly pass self here student1 itself is considered as self here and processed further.

class Exam :

    def __init__(self, marks):
    self.marks = marks
    def result(self):
    if self.marks > 50:

   student1 = Exam(60)

output :


You can try creating multiple objects for the class Exam and provide marks values so to observe the functionality of self keyword.

Note that self is just a convention, and you can technically use any name for this parameter. However, using self is considered good practice in Python.

If you have any query’s in this tutorial on Python Self do let us know in the comment section below.If you like this tutorial do like and share us for more interesting updates..

Python Self

Python class and object

python class and object

Class is a blue print and object is collection that make use of properties / attributes that are present in the class. So this is a general way of describing python class and object.

But what if you don’t understand the concept don’t worry we will be going through the in depth concept in this blog on python class and object.

Python is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language. Python fully supports OOP concepts such as encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.

In object-oriented programming, a class is a blueprint for creating objects (instances of the class). It defines a set of attributes (data) and methods (functions) that are common to all instances of that class.

An object is an instance of a class. It is a self-contained entity that has its own set of attributes and methods. When an object is created, it inherits the attributes and methods defined in the class, but it can also have its own unique values for those attributes.

Class and object play a vital role in programming may be java, python it’s not the concern but the oop’s concept has it’s own importance and standard.

Can have a look through this video tutorial.

Python class and object video tutorial :

In this video tutorial let us try to see the detailed implementation of python class and Object .

Class :

Let us know what is a class and how to create a class. So consider few points to be followed while creating a class i.e., class name should always start with capital letter.

In below example class name is Product so capital “P” is provided.

class Product:

And the very next step is creating some variables

price = 20

Now create a function and this function should start with small letters

def feature

So now we got a function / method now let’s try to add a print statement so that when ever we call a function this statement is printed.

def feature:

We got a class in which we have a variable, function so now it’s time to create a object for the same and make use of the class properties.

Here properties are variables and functions declared in class.

Object :

object is a instance of a class, we can make any number of instances.In simple words instance is a copy of class that can be used.

product = Product()

You can also create one more object like which has similar properties.

product2 = Product()

now using this object we can access the properties like


"""method / function """

Now try to run the code

class Product:
   price = 20

   """method / function """
   def feature:
product = Product()


"""method / function """

output :



Python class and object :

Overall, Python’s support for OOP makes it a powerful language for building complex applications and systems that require modular, reusable code.

Python allows you to create classes, define attributes and methods, and create objects of those classes. You can also create subclasses that inherit attributes and methods from their parent class. Python also supports multiple inheritance, allowing you to inherit from more than one parent class.

If you have any query’s in this tutorial on python class and object do let us know in the comment section below.If you like this tutorial do like and share us for more interesting updates..

python class and object

Python Break Continue Pass : A Comprehensive Guide

python break continue pass

Python Break Continue Pass, Unlock the potential of Python programming with a deep dive into the essentials: Break, Continue, and Pass statements. Whether you’re new to coding or seeking advanced insights, understanding these control flow tools is key to shaping efficient and powerful code. Let’s embark on a journey to master the art of Python programming together

In python break, continue and pass statements have very important role like they provide the control to the user by which he can make the application work.

For example we want a code to be running until a certain condition then it should stop we can make use of break statement for this purpose.

Single statement does a lot of help for us in real time programming so let’s see each of them in this tutorial.

In Python, break, continue, and pass are control flow statements used to control the execution of a loop.

Python Break Continue Pass Video Tutorial :

I have clearly explained all the above scenarios in video tutorial it will give you very good clarity.

break :

As we have discussed above we will be seeing through the functionality of the break statement in this blog.

Break is used to stop the flow of implementation once a certain condition is satisfied, it comes out of loop or flow and exit.

break statement:

The break statement is used to exit a loop prematurely. When the interpreter encounters a break statement inside a loop, it immediately exits the loop and continues with the next statement after the loop. For example, in a for loop, if a certain condition is met, the break statement can be used to exit the loop early.

When a break statement is encountered inside a loop, the loop is terminated immediately, and the program execution continues with the statement that comes immediately after the loop.

It is often used to exit a loop when a certain condition is met.

for i in range(0, 9)
      if(i == 4)

output :

As stated once i equal to 4 break is implemented and control is returned.


continue :

continue statement will skip the existing line and continue with the next line of code. just like break continue will perform certain task when the condition is satisfied.

The major difference is continue will not stop the app flow like break, it continues the flow as usual.

continue statement:

The continue statement is used to skip over an iteration in a loop. When the interpreter encounters a continue statement inside a loop, it immediately skips the rest of the code for that iteration and moves on to the next iteration of the loop. For example, in a for loop, if a certain condition is met, the continue statement can be used to skip over the current iteration and move on to the next one.

When a continue statement is encountered inside a loop, the current iteration of the loop is skipped, and the program execution continues with the next iteration of the loop.

It is often used to skip certain iterations of a loop based on a certain condition.

for i in range(0, 9)
      if(i == 4)

output :

Can observe at the position of 4 continue is been printed.


pass :

pass is very helpful when you just have no code in the block just execute empty block you can add pass over there. This will not skip the line of code or stops the code but just acts like a place holder when there is nothing to be executed..

pass statement:

The pass statement is used as a placeholder for code that has not yet been implemented. It is a null operation; when the interpreter encounters a pass statement, it does nothing and continues with the next statement. pass can be used as a placeholder when writing new code, or when defining a function or class that will be implemented later.

When a pass statement is encountered, nothing happens, and the program execution continues as usual.

for i in range(0, 9)
      if(i == 4)

output :

You can clearly observe that pass is printed and 4 is also printed nothing is skipped or stopped.


If you have any query’s in this tutorial on python break continue pass do let us know in the comment section below.If you like this tutorial do like and share us for more interesting updates..

python break continue pass

Python Math Functionality Usage

Python Math, When it comes to the computation python has it’s own importance as it is used almost by large scale of developers in their respective fields.

Making using of a computer for math functionality is the perfect choice so why not learn how we can make use of it in this part of the tutorial.

Python is a powerful programming language that has a wide range of built-in mathematical functions. These functions make it easy for developers to perform complex mathematical operations without having to write their own functions. Here are some of the most commonly used mathematical functions in Python:

  1. abs(x): returns the absolute value of a number x.
  2. pow(x, y): returns x raised to the power of y.
  3. round(x, n): rounds a number x to n decimal places.
  4. min(x1, x2, …, xn): returns the smallest of the input values.
  5. max(x1, x2, …, xn): returns the largest of the input values.
  6. sqrt(x): returns the square root of a number x.
  7. exp(x): returns the exponential of x.
  8. log(x): returns the natural logarithm of x.
  9. log10(x): returns the base-10 logarithm of x.
  10. sin(x): returns the sine of x (in radians).
  11. cos(x): returns the cosine of x (in radians).
  12. tan(x): returns the tangent of x (in radians).
  13. asin(x): returns the inverse sine of x (in radians).
  14. acos(x): returns the inverse cosine of x (in radians).
  15. atan(x): returns the inverse tangent of x (in radians).

Python Math Functionality Video Tutorial :

In this video tutorial let us try to see the detailed implementation of python Math Functionality.

Import Python Math ??

We need to make use of a package math in our python coding to make use of mathematical functionary’s.

Once the module is imported, the following additional mathematical functions are available:

  1. math.pi: returns the value of pi.
  2. math.e: returns the value of e.
  3. math.ceil(x): returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to x.
  4. math.floor(x): returns the largest integer less than or equal to x.
  5. math.trunc(x): returns the integer part of x.
  6. math.degrees(x): converts x from radians to degrees.
  7. math.radians(x): converts x from degrees to radians.
  8. math.sinh(x): returns the hyperbolic sine of x.
  9. math.cosh(x): returns the hyperbolic cosine of x.
  10. math.tanh(x): returns the hyperbolic tangent of x.
  11. math.asinh(x): returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of x.
  12. math.acosh(x): returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of x.
  13. math.atanh(x): returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of x.
  14. math.erf(x): returns the error function of x.
  15. math.gamma(x): returns the gamma function of x.
  16. math.lgamma(x): returns the natural logarithm of the absolute value of the gamma function of x.

Different methods are available in this package by using which we can perform calculations.

import math as m

Floor :

Floor will round up the given number to the least by ignoring the decimal values i.e., when you provide 3.4 the out is observed as 3.

x = m.floor( 3.4 )

output :


Ceil :

Ceil will round up the number to the highest available i.e., when you provide 3.4 it will be rounded up as 4.

y = m.ceil( 3.4 )

output :


Square Root (sqrt) :

Square root is again the most common used math function it is easy with small numbers but the problem arises when the large numbers are provided.

It’s very much easy to solve with the help of python math functionality.

z = m.sqrt( 16 )

output :


In the video tutorial provided we have also show how decimal values are calculated too.

Factorial :

Factorial is the product of all the positive integers greater than zero. Not sure what it is ok…

factorial of 4 can be calculated as

4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 24

similarly for 5

5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 120

a = m.factorial( 4 )

output :


Power :

When we want to calculate 3 power 2 i.e., 3 * 3 = 9

b = m.pow( 3, 2 )

output :


Modulo Operation :

We can perform division for the provided values using modulo operator.

c = m.fmod( 12, 4 )

output :


i.e., 12 divided by 4 leaves reminder 0.

Sum :

We can add all the list of provided numbers and provided the result as output.

d = m.fsum([ 1, 2, 3, 4 ])

output :



Calculating LCM might be remembering the child hood maths classes. It’s now very easy with python let’s see

To calculate LCM of given two numbers 90, 30

e = m.lcm( 90, 30 )

output :


Python Math

Clear explanation of Python Math provided in video tutorial. If you have any query’s in this tutorial on Python Math do let us know in the comment section below. If you like this tutorial do like and share us for more interesting updates..

Python Math

Python While Loop

Python While Loop

When considering a python while loop we provide condition before, that is in first step then we add increment or decrement later. Which is different when compared to for loop implementation.

Python while loop is implemented to run a piece of code until a certain condition is satisfied or requirement is reached i.e, a while loop is used to repeatedly execute a block of code as long as a condition is true.

The code block under the while loop will be executed repeatedly as long as the condition is true. When the condition becomes false, the program will exit the loop and continue with the next line of code.

It’s important to ensure that the condition in a while loop will eventually become false, otherwise the loop will continue indefinitely and the program will hang. To avoid this, you can use a break statement to exit the loop if a certain condition is met, or a counter variable that limits the number of times the loop can execute.

Now let’s start implementing a sample while loop to understand the concept.

x = 10

while x < 10;

When you run the above code then you will never observe any output because x is never less than 10.

And when you slight change the code by making x = 1 instead of 10.

x = 1

while x < 10;

Output :


Python While Loop Video Tutorial :

Go through the below tutorial on python while loop for detailed implementation.

The output is never ending because we have not provided any increment or decrement conditions.

Now try to add them and run the code.

x = 1

while x < 10;

Output :


Now welcome is printed 9 times as condition is satisfied at last step i..e, x > 10 so 10th time its not printed.

Indentation is the key step because without proper indentation code is not recognized and errors may arise.

Nested While Loop :

We can add nested while loops inside a while loop so that we can have multiple loops going to process data.

A nested while loop in Python is a loop that is placed inside another loop. The nested loop will execute its code block multiple times for each iteration of the outer loop.

It’s very simple to implement if you understand the concept.

x = 1
y = 5
while x < 10;
    while y < 10; 

Output :

You can clearly observe that initially Welcome is printed later Python is printed for 5 times and followed by Welcome again if you observe the code it says the same.


We can observe python is been printed in output.

I have clearly explained the flow in video tutorial attached with debug process.

break :

Using break condition in while loop is super easy again as the word states it breaks the flow and returns control.

The break statement can be used inside a while loop to exit the loop prematurely, even if the loop condition has not yet become false. The break statement immediately terminates the innermost loop that it is contained within.

x = 1

while x < 10;
    if x == 5

Output :


The output is terminated at x == 5 so exited.

If you have any query’s in this tutorial on Python While Loop do let us know in the comment section below.If you like this tutorial do like and share us for more interesting updates..

Python While Loop

Python For Loop

python for loop

Python for loop concept is most useful in programming which saves a lot of time in writing unnecessary blocks of code rather than using the same code multiple times.

When you want to repeat a code execution in a loop to execute a functionality we can make use of python for loop

Specify the condition and and increment it to traverse through the loop.

A for loop in Python is used to iterate over a sequence of elements, such as a list, tuple, or string.

Python for loop usage :

A for loop is a type of loop that is commonly used in programming to repeat a block of code a certain number of times, or to iterate over a collection of items.

Here’s what each part of the for loop does:

initialization: This is where you set up the loop variable(s) and initialize them to a starting value. This step is optional, and you can use variables that have already been defined outside of the loop as well.

condition: This is a Boolean expression that is evaluated before each iteration of the loop. If the condition is true, the loop will continue to run; if it is false, the loop will terminate.

increment: This is the operation that is performed at the end of each iteration of the loop. It is used to update the loop variable(s) in some way, such as by incrementing or decrementing their values.

Python For Loop Video Tutorial :

In this video tutorial let us try to see the detailed implementation of python For Loop Functionality.

Let’s us see python for loop implementation

consider a variable x = “computer”

We will try to print each alphabet individually using for loop.

for i in x :
  print( x )

Output :


Now let us try to print a list of different data types.This is a very dynamic way of list utilisation.

x = ["computer",  'L',  1, True]

output :


Range in Python For Loop :

Now we will try to see a different way of using python for loop with the help of range and try to print numbers from 1 to 10.

In Python, range() is a built-in function that generates a sequence of numbers. It is commonly used in for loops to iterate over a sequence of values.

for i in range( 10 )
print( i )

output :


We can specifically specify the range from a number to another number as below.

for i in range ( 1..11 ):
  print( i )

try to implement the above code and find output may refer to video tutorial specified.

Continue :

Now you can skip a certain number in the flow of numbers using continue.

if( i == 5 )

break :

Stop the loop when a certain number is detected using break keyword.

if( i == 7 )

You can add a else condition when you want to know the end of the loop in this scenario only.

else :
print ( "End of the loop")

Nested For Loop :

Want to print for loop inside a for loop ?

x = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
y = [ a, b, c ]

now loop them and try to print i and j such that values are printed accordingly

for i in x :
   for j in y:
      print( i )

Try to run the above code or refer python for loop video tutorial.

If you have any query in this tutorial on python for loop do let us know in the comment section below. If you like this tutorial do like and share us for more interesting updates.

python for loop

Python If Elif Else Conditions

python if elif else

In python programming we need to test conditions and implement specific block of code for this we need python if elif else conditional statements.

Python’s conditional statements are used to make decisions based on the value of one or more conditions. There are two main types of conditional statements in Python: if and if-else.

Python also supports the use of if-elif-else statements, which allow for multiple conditions to be checked.

Let us consider a scenario where you need to test a condition and based on which you need to move forward into making a decision.

In this scenario we make use of python if elif else conditions if the condition is True then we will implement true block of code else we will implement false block of code.

Python If Elif Else Video Tutorial :

Go through the below tutorial for detailed implementation of if elif else conditions.

If Else :

This if else condition is almost used in every programming language and is much useful to guide the flow of app.

If will be provided with a condition stating the requirement to be satisfied and once done the block of code specified get’s implemented.If the condition is not satisfied then else block is executed.

It is a good practice to provide else block every time so as to address the failure condition.

Let us consider a scenario you need to provide result to student based on his marks.Using if else we will classify the student and print statement.

marks = 50 

if marks > 35:
   print("You have passed")

Output :

You have passed

Now let’s try to fail the condition i.e., provide less marks and try to observe the output

marks = 5 

if marks > 35:
   print("You have passed")

Output :

5 is less than 35. Nothing is printed as condition failed and false block is not specified.

Now add else to handle false condition too and print statement accordingly.

marks = 5 

if marks > 35:
   print("You have passed")
   print("you have failed")

Output :

You have failed

Elif ???:

elif is a keyword in Python that stands for “else if”. It is used to add additional conditions to an if statement.

What is Elif condition you might not have heard about it in any other programming language. It’s nothing new but else if condition.

elif can be used multiple times in a single if statement to add additional conditions to be checked. When you want to add multiple conditions to if else block we make use of elif in python.

Now try to observe it’s implementation even.

marks = 75 

if marks > 70:
   print("You have passed in distinction")
elif marks > 35
   print("You have passed")
   print("you have failed")

Output :

You have passed in distinction

Usage :

Python conditional statements are used to execute different blocks of code based on whether a condition is true or false. The two most commonly used conditional statements in Python are the if statement and the if-else statement.

Python also supports the elif statement, which allows you to chain multiple conditions together.

The usage of elif is when ever if condition is passed it will skip all the remaining steps and execute if block of code.

When you don’t specify elif block and use multiple if conditions then unwanted output may arise.And also accurate results may not be found.

So it’s best practice to use elif condition if you have multiple conditions to be tested.

If you have any query in this tutorial on python if elif else do let us know in the comment section below. If you like this tutorial do like and share us for more interesting updates.

Python If Elif Else :

python if elif else

Python Accept User Input

python accept input

Python accept user input to process the data based on the user input for example when you provide a login credentials then validations is done on server.

Accepting user input is a key aspect in software functionality so in this part of the tutorial ley’s go through accepting user input.

We are using pycharm as IDE and you may ue the default IDLE which comes up with python installation.

Flutter allows developers to accept user input through various input widgets. Here are some common widgets used to accept user input:

TextField :

This widget allows users to enter text. It can be customized to accept different types of text input, such as plain text, passwords, email addresses, and phone numbers.

DropdownButton :

This widget provides a dropdown menu from which users can select one option. You can create a DropdownButton using a list of items or a list of DropdownMenuItem widgets.

Checkbox :

This widget provides a way for users to select one or more items from a list of options. You can use the Checkbox widget to create a single checkbox or a group of checkboxes.

Radio Button :

This widget provides a way for users to select one option from a list of options. You can use the Radio Button widget to create a single radio button or a group of radio buttons.

Slider :

This widget allows users to select a value from a range of values by sliding a thumb along a track.

DatePicker :

This widget provides a way for users to select a date from a calendar.

Python Accept User Input Video Tutorial :

Go through the below tutorial for more detailed information on accept user input in python.

These are just a few examples of widgets that you can use to accept user input in Flutter. Depending on your specific use case, you may need to use different widgets or customize these widgets to fit your needs.

So now let’s write code to add two number which you might be aware of ut later we will turn this code to accept input.

x = 10
y = 20

z = x + y

Output :


Input( ) :

We will be making use of Input( ) function to accept user input it’s that simple let’s see implementation

x = Input( )
y = Input( )

z = x + y

Output :

Let us provide two input values i.e., x, y one after the another so that they are accepted and stored in variable.



When we try to add 5, 6 we got 56 instead of 11 because 5, 6 here are of type String we need to convert them to Integer before calculating.

z = int(x) + int(y)

Output :



Debugging in python :

Debugging is important to track the code line by line and we will see in detail how to track the above code in detail in this vlog.

Python accept user input video tutorial :

Go through this below tutorial for detailed implementation of python accept user input with real time examples.

If you have any query’s in this tutorial on python accept user input do let us know in the comment section below.If you like this tutorial do like and share us for more interesting updates..